Alessio, Piemontese, approximately 1471-
By this person (24)
About this person (2)
- Books
The English mans-treasure. With the true anatomie of mans body / compiled by ... Thomas Vicary ... Whereunto are annexed many secrets appertaining to chyrurgery, with divers excellent approved remedies for all captaines and souldiers, that travell eyther by water or land: and likewise for all diseases ... with emplaisters of speciall cure: with other potions and drinkes approved in physicke. Also the rare treasure of the English bathes: written by William Turner ... Gathered and set forth ... by William Bremer ... And now eighthly augmented and enlarged, with almost a thousand approved waters and medicines ... as also oyntments and plaisters: with especiall ... remedies for the plague ... by W[illiam] B[oraston] practitioner in physicke and chyrurgerie.
Vicary, Thomas, -1561Date: 1633- Books
- Online
The secrets of Alexis [pseud.]: containing many excellent remedies against divers diseases, wounds, and other accidents. With the manner to make distillations, parfumes ... and meltings ... / [Girolamo Ruscelli].
Ruscelli, Girolamo, -approximately 1565.Date: 1615- Books
Alexii Pedemontani [pseud.? i. e. Girolamo Ruscelli?] De secretis libri mira quadam rerum varietate utilitateque referti, longe castigatiores et ampliores quam priore editione / Nam sex prioribus, septimus accessit ex ejusdem authoris appendice factus: omnes ex italico sermone in Latinum conversi. Jo. Jacobo Weckero ... interprete.
Alessio, Piemontese, approximately 1471-Date: 1560- Books
Secretos ... / traducidos de la lengua italiana en castellano, añadidos y enmendados en muchos lugares.
Alessio, Piemontese, approximately 1471-Date: 1624- Books
D. Alexii Pedemontani [pseud.? i. e. Girolamo Ruscelli?] De secretis libri sex mira quadam varietate referti / ex italico in latinum sermonem nunc primum translati. Per Joannem Jacobum Weckerum.
Alessio, Piemontese, approximately 1471-Date: 1561