Respiratory Tract Diseases - therapy
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The inhalation treatment of diseases of the organs of respiration including consumption / by Arthur Hill Hassall.
Hassall, Arthur Hill, 1817-1894.Date: 1885- Books
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The therapeutics of the respiratory passages / by Prosser James.
James, Prosser, 1836-1918.Date: 1884- Books
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The hydroconion and its success in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs, catarrh, inflammations and ulcerations of the throat, loss of the voice, hoarseness, hooping cough, croup, diphtheria, asthma, bronchitis, hemorrage from the lungs, and consumption / by John Hart, M.D. ; read before the Suffolk District Medical Society, Sept. 30th 1865.
Hart, John, M. D.Date: 1865- Books
- Online
Compressed air as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of consumption, asthma, chronic bronchitis and other diseases / by Archibald Simpson.
Simpson, Archibald, 1790-1847.Date: 1857- Books
- Online
Thermal comfort, or, Popular hints for preservation from colds, coughs, and consumption : with information upon some points of German practice in the treatment of such cases / by Sir George Lefevre.
Lefevre, George William, 1798-1846.Date: 1848