Mascall, Leonard, -1589
- Books
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The government of cattel : Divided into three books. The first, treating of oxen, kine, and calves: and how to use bulls, and other cattel, to the yoke or fell. The second, discoursing of the gouernment of horses, with approved medicines against most diseases. The third, discoursing the order of sheep, goats, hogs, and dogs; with true remedies to help the infirmities that befall any of them. Also, perfect instructions for taking of moals, and likewise for the monthly husbanding of grounds; and hath been already approved, and by long experience entertained amongst all sorts; especially husbandmen, who have made use thereof, to their great profit and contentment. Gathered by Leonard Mascal.
Mascall, Leonard, -1589Date: 1662- Books
- Online
A booke of the arte and manner how to plant and graffe all sorts of trees : how to sette stones and sow pepins, to make wild trees to graffe on, as also remedies & medicines. With diuers other new practises, by one of the abbey of St. Vincent in Fraunce, practised with his owne hands: deuided into vij. chapters, as hereafter more plainly shall appeare, with an addition in the ende of this booke, of certaine Dutch practises set forth & Englshed, by Leonard Mascall.
Mascall, Leonard, -1589Date: 1592- Books
- Online
The gouernment of cattell : Diuided into three bookes. The first, entreating of oxen, kine, and calues: and how to vse buls, and other cattell, to the yoake or fell. The second, discoursing of the gouernment of horses, with approued medicines against most diseases. The third, discouering the ordering of sheepe, goates, hogges, and dogges, with the true remedies to helpe the infirmities that befall any of them. Also perfect instructions for taking of moales, and likewise for the monthly husbanding of grounds, as hath been already approued, and by long experience entertayned amongst all sorts, especially husbandmen, who haue made vse thereof, to their great profit and contentment. Gathered by Leonard Mascal.
Mascall, Leonard, -1589Date: 1620- Books
- Online
The gouernment of cattell : Diuided into three books. The first, entreating of oxen, kine and calues: and how vse buls, and other cattell to the yoke or fell. The second, discoursing of the gouernment of horses, with approued medicines against most diseases. The third, discoursing the ordering of sheepe, goats, hogges, and dogges, with the true remedies to helpe the infirmities that befall any of them. Also perfect instructions for taking of moales, and likewise for the monethly husbanding of grounds, as hath beene already approued, and by long experience entertained amongst all sorts, especially husbandmen, who haue made vse thereof, to their great profit and contentment. Gathered by Leonard Mascal.
Mascall, Leonard, -1589Date: 1633- Books
- Online
A booke of the arte and maner how to plant and graffe all sorts of trees, how to sette stones & sow pepins, to make wild trees to graffe on, as also remedies & medicines : With diuers other new practises, by one of the Abbey of S. Vincent in Fraunce, practised with his owne hands: deuided into vii. chapters, as hereafter more plainly shall appere, with an addition in the end of this booke, of certaine Dutch practises, set forth and Englished, by Leonard Mascall.
Mascall, Leonard, -1589Date: 1590