Todd, John
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J. Todd's catalogue for 1795. A catalogue of valuable books, ancient and modern, in various languages, and in every class of Literature. Including the entire Library of The Rev. and Learned Anth. Temple, M. A. Late Master of the Grammar-School at Richmond
Todd, John- E-books
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J. Todd's catalogue for 1790. A catalogue of several libraries and parcels of curious and valuable Books, Lately Purchased. The Whole forming a General Assortment of the Best Authors in every Branch of Literature. Amongst many others, eqully valuable, are
Todd, John- E-books
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J. Todd's catalogue of ancient and modern books, prints, & books of prints, for the year 1791. The Books in general are in good Condition, many of them the best Editions, and in various elegant Bindings' amongst many others equally scarce and curious are
Todd, John- E-books
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J. Todd's catalogue for 1789. A catalogue of several libraries and parcels of curious and valuable books, lately purchased, The Whole forming a general assortment of the Best Authors in every Branch of literature. Amongst many others, equally valuable, ar
Todd, John- E-books
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J. Todd's catalogue for 1792. A Catalogue of the Entire Libraries of Marmaduke Tunstall, of Wycliffe, Esq. Lady Fagg of Wood End, and The Rev. W. Dade, F. A. S. Rector of Barmston, &c. And Author of the Intended History of Holderness, All Lately Deceased
Todd, John