Rossel, Schwarz & Co.
- Books
Speziel-Apparate zur Kinderbehandlung nach Dr. Albert E. Stein, Wiesbaden : speziell auch für Krüppel-, Heil- und Erziehungs-Anstalten / Rossel, Schwarz & Co.
Rossel, Schwarz & Co.Date: [1913?]- Books
Original-Zander-Apparate ... / alleinige Fabrikanten: Rossel, Schwarz & Co.
Rossel, Schwarz & Co.Date: 1916- Books
The leading features of Dr. G. Zander's medico-mechanical gymnastic method and its use in four separate treatises / by A. Levertin [and others] ; with some directions for the establishment of gymnastic institutes on this method / by Rossel, Schwarz & Co.
Levertin, Alfred, 1843-1919.Date: 1906