Josephus, Flavius
- E-books
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The works of Flavius Josephus: translated into English by Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knight. Viz. I. The Antiquities of the Jews, in twenty Books. II. Their Wars with the Romans, in Seven Books. III. The Life of Josephus written by himself. IV. His Book agains
Josephus, Flavius- Books
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Opera ... omnia, nimirum: De antiquitatibus Judaicis libri XX quibus in fine ... vita Josephi per ipsum conscripta, est adjecta: De bello Judaico libri VII ... Contra Apionem libri II ... De imperio rationis, sive de Macchabaeis liber unus ... antehac ... / in latinum sermonem translata.
Josephus, Flavius.Date: 1580- E-books
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The whole works of Flavius Josephus: containing I. The Antiquities of the Jewish People, in Twenty Books. The Wars of the Jews with the Romans, from their Commencement to the final Destruction of Jerusalem, by Titus, in the Reign of Vespasian. In Seven Bo
Josephus, Flavius- Books
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En ny Psalmebog, som indeholder mange Christelige Psalmer oc Loffsange ordentlig tilsammensæt aff Hans Thomissøn met Calendario
Thomissøn, Hans 1532-1573Date: 1656- Books
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Flavii Josephi hoogberoemde Joodsche historien, ende boecken. Noch Egesippus vande Essendighe verstoringe der Stadt Jerusalem / Van nieus met schone figuren verciert, ende met nootwendighe anteikeningen en summarien verijckt.
Josephus, Flavius.Date: 1601