Bolnest, Edward
- Books
Medicina experimentalis Digbaeana, das ist: ausserlesener und bewährter Artzney-Mittel zweyter Theil ... Sampt dreyen unterschiedlichen angehenckten Tractätlein, nahmentlich: Aurora chymica / [by Edward Bolnest] Herrn le Febure Erläuterung der vortrefflichen Hertzstärchung des Herrn Walther Rawleighs, und W[illiam] T[hraster] Medulla chymischer Artzneyen ... aus der englischen Sprache übersetzet.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665.Date: 1687- Books
- Online
Medicina instaurata, or: a brief account of the true grounds and principles of the art of physick. With the insufficiency of the vulgar way of preparing medicines ... Whereto is added, a ... discourse as a light to the true preparation of animal and vegetable arcana's. Together with a discovery of the true subject of the philosophick mineral mercury, and that from the authorities of the most famous of philosophers. As also ... the preparation and use of ... mercury, in the dissolution of minerals and metals, for a physical use / ... Also an epistolary discourse upon the whole, by the author of Medela medicinae [i.e. Marchamont Nedham].
Bolnest, EdwardDate: 1665- Books
- Online
Aurora chymica, or, A rational way of preparing animals, vegetables, and minerals for a physical use / authore Edwardo Bolnest.
Bolnest, EdwardDate: 1672- Books
- Online
Medicina instaurata, or, A brief account of the true grounds and principles of the art of physick : with the insufficiency of the vulgar way of preparing medicines, and the excellency of such as are made by chymical operation : whereto is added a short but plain discourse as a light to the true preparation of animal and vegetable arcana's : together with a discovery of the true subject of the philosophick mineral mercury ... as also some small light to the preparation of and use of the said mercury ... / by Edward Bolnest ... ; also an epistolary discourse upon the whole by the author of Medela medicinæ.
Bolnest, EdwardDate: 1665- Books
Aurora chymica: or a rational way of preparing animals, vegetables, and minerals for physical use; by which preparations they are made most efficacious, safe, pleasant medicines for the preservation and restoration of the life of man / Authore Edwardo Bolnest.
Bolnest, Edward.Date: 1672