Liver Diseases - epidemiology
- Books
Ueber die akute und chronische gelbe Leberatrophie : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihres epidemischen Auftretens in Schweden im Jahre 1927 / von Hilding Bergstrand.
Bergstrand, Hilding, 1886-Date: 1930- Books
- Online
Researches into the causes, nature, and treatment of the more prevalent diseases of India, and of warm climates generally. Illustrated with cases, post mortem examinations, and numerous coloured engravings of morbid structures / by James Annesley.
Annesley, James, Sir, 1780-1847.Date: 1828- Books
On the epidemic cholera, and other prevalent diseases of India / by Samuel Dickson.
Dickson, Samuel, 1802-1869.Date: 1832