Jurieu, Pierre, 1637-1713
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The reflections of the reverend and learned Monsieur Jurieu, upon the strange and miraculous exstasies of Isabel Vincent, the shepherdess of Saou in Dauphiné ... to which is added a letter of a gentleman in Dauphiné ... As also upon the wonderful and port.
Jurieu, Pierre, 1637-1713.Date: 1689- Books
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Remarkable extracts selected from a work printed in ... 1687 ... entitled The accomplishment of the Scripture prophecies, etc. : In which are pointed out ... many things analogous to the present great changes in France; particularly the fall of the Pope's authority; of tyranny; of the nunneries, etc. and of titles of honour ... To which are added, several Acts and Decrees of the National Assembly of France / [By E. May].
Jurieu, Pierre, 1637-1713Date: 1793- Books
The reflections of the reverend and learned Monsieur Jurieu, upon the strange and miraculous exstasies of Isabel Vincent, the shepherdess of Saou in Dauphiné ... to which is added a letter of a gentleman in Dauphiné ... As also upon the wonderful and portentous trumpetings and singing of psalms, that were heard by thousnads in the air (in many parts of France) in the year 1686 ... / All faithfully translated out of the French copies.
Jurieu, Pierre, 1637-1713.Date: 1689