Sacrococcygeal Region, abnormalities
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Tumore idrorachidiano congenito alla regione lombare : ricoperto a guisa di coda da un'ampia e lunga chioma, compressione e guarigione del tumore ; Di tre gemelli sopravviventi e di alcuni casi di parti pure trigemini : note / del Prof. Francesco Rizzoli.
Rizzoli, Francesco, 1809-1880.Date: 1877- Books
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Men with tails : remarks on the Niam-Niams of central Africa / comprising an introduction by Dr. Kahn ; an essay on the anatomical view of the question, by Dr. Sexton ; articles on the subject, reprinted from the Lancet, and the Literary gazette, together with an engraving of a group of these extraordinary beings, as shown in Dr. Kahn's anatomical museum.
Kahn, Joseph.Date: 1855- Books
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Descriptio tumoris coccygei foetus rudimenta continentis, qui in clinico chirurgico Bonnensi feliciter est exstirpatus : praemittuntur nonnulli analogi casus : dissertatio inauguralis quam consensu et auctoritate gratiosi medicorum ordinis in alma Regia Litterarum Universitate Fridericia Guilelmia Rhenana ad summos in medicina et chirurgia honores rite assequendos scripsit et una cum thesibus die XXX. mensis Decembris a. MDCCCLVI / publice defendet Guilelmus Geller ; adversariorum partes suscipient W. Busch, J. Schmidt, M. Thelen.
Geller, Wilhelm, 1829-Date: [1856]- Books
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Account of a remarkable production, resembling a tail, which was attached to the extremity of the vertebral column of a man / by Arthur Jacob.
Jacob, Arthur, 1790-1874.Date: [1827]