Else, Joseph, -1780
- Books
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Traité sur les ulcères des jambes précédé de remarques en forme d'introduction, sur le procédé de l'ulcération, & l'origine du pus louable; suivi d'une méthode heureuse de traiter certaines tumeurs scrophuleuses, les ulcères de mamelons, les crevasses du sein et les abcès laiteux ... on y a joint la méthode du feu M. Else de traiter les ulcères des jambes / [Michael Underwood].
Underwood, Michael, 1736-1820Date: 1744 [i. e. 1784]- Books
- Online
The works of the late Joseph Else, F.R.S. surgeon to St. Thomas's Hospital, and member of the Royal Academy of Surgery at Paris : containing a treatise on the hydrocele, and other papers on different subjects in surgery. To which is added, an appendix, containing some cases of the hydrocele, with a comparison of the different methods of treating it by caustic and seton by Geo. Vaux, surgeon.
Else, Joseph, -1780.Date: 1782- Books
- Online
Trattato sopra le ulcere delle gambe ... seguito da un metodo facile per curare alcuni tumori scrofolosi, l'ulcere del capezzolo, le crepature delle mammelle, e gl'ascessi lattei ... coll'aggiunta del metodo del fu signor Else per curare la ulcere suddette / Tradotto ... dal Dottore Cosmo de Horatiis.
Underwood, Michael, 1736-1820Date: 1802- Books
- Online
The works of Joseph Else : containing a treatise on the hydrocele, and other papers on different subjects in surgery. To which is added, an appendix, containing some cases of the hydrocele, with a comparison of the different methods of treating it by caustic and seton / by Geo. Vaux.
Else, Joseph, -1780.Date: 1782- Books
- Online
An essay on the cure of the hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis testis / By Joseph Else.
Else, Joseph, -1780.Date: 1770