Darrel, John, approximately 1562-
By this person (9)
About this person (2)
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An apologie, or defence of the possession of William Sommers, a yong man of the towne of Nottingham : wherein this worke of God is cleared from the evil name of counterfaytinge, and therevpon also it is shewed that in these dayes men may be possessed with devils, and that being so, by prayer and fasting the vncleane spirit may be cast out / by John Darrell.
Darrel, John, approximately 1562-Date: [1599?]- Books
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A detection of that sinnful, shamful, lying, and ridiculous discours, of Samuel Harshnet. entituled: A discouerie of the fravvdulent practises of Iohn Darrell : wherein is manifestly and apparantly shewed in the eyes of the world. not only the vnlikelihoode, but the flate impossibilitie of the pretended counterfayting of William Somers, Thomas Darling, Kath. Wright, and Mary Couper, togeather with the other 7. in Lancashire, and the supposed teaching of them by the saide Iohn Darrell.
Darrel, John, approximately 1562-Date: 1600- Books
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A suruey of certaine dialogical discourses: vvritten by Iohn Deacon, and Iohn Walker, concerning the doctrine of the possession and dispossession of diuels : VVherein is manifested the palpable ignorance and dangerous errors of the discoursers, and what according to proportion of God his truth, every christian is to hold in these poyntes. Published by Iohn Darrell minister of the gospell.
Darrel, John, approximately 1562-Date: 1602- Books
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A brief apologie prouing the possession of William Sommers. Written by Iohn Dorrell, a faithful Minister of the Gospell: but published without his knowledge, with a dedicatorie epistle disclosing some disordered procedings against the saide Iohn Dorrell.
Darrel, John, approximately 1562-Date: 1599- Books
- Online
A survey of certaine dialogical discourses: vvritten by Iohn Deacon, and Iohn Walker, concerning the doctrine of possession and dispossession of diuels. Vvherein is manifested the palpable ignorance and dangerous errors of the discoursers ... / published by Iohn Darrell.
Darrel, John, approximately 1562-Date: [1602]