- Books
Nvova prattica astrologica di fare le direttioni secondo la via rationale, e conforme ancora al fondamento del Kepplero per via di logaritmi. Con vna centuria di varii problemi, e con il compendio delle regole de triangoli / Di F. Bonaventvra Cavalieri.
Cavalieri, Bonaventura, 1598-1647.Date: 1639- Books
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Practical navigation, or, An introduction to the whole art : containing the doctrine of plain and spherical triangles : plain, mercator, great-circle sailing, and astronomical problems : the use of divers instruments ... : sundry useful tables in navigation, and a table of 10,000 logarithms, and of the logarithm-sines, tangents, and secants / by John Seller.
Seller, John, active 1658-1698.Date: 1694- Books
A table of logarithms. For numbers increasing in their natural order, from an unit to 10000 with a table of artificial sines, tangents and secants, the radius 10,000000 / carefully corrected by Sam. Heynes.
Heynes, Sam. (Samuel)Date: 1701- Books
The anti-logarithmic canon. Being a table of numbers, consisting of eleven places of figures, corresponding to all logarithms under 100000, whereby the logarithm for any number, or the number for any logarithm, each under twelve places of figures, are readily found : with precepts and examples, shewing some of the uses of logarithms in facilitating the most difficult operations in common arithmetic, cases of interest, annuities, mensuration, &c. To which is prefix'd an introduction containing a short account of logarithms. And of the most considerable improvements made, since their invention, in the manner of constructing them / by James Dodson.
Dodson, James, -1757.Date: 1742- Books
- Online
Harmonicon coeleste, or, The cœlestiall harmony of the visible world : conteining an absolute and entire piece of astronomie : wherein is succinctly handled the trigonometricall part, generally propounded, and particularly applyed in all questions tending to the diurnall motion : especially respecting, and truly subservient to the main doctrine of the second motions of the luminaries and the other planets : together with their affections as eclipses, &c. ... : fitted to the meridian of ... London, and principally intended for our English nation ... / by Vincent Wing.
Wing, Vincent, 1619-1668Date: 1651