Guy, de Chauliac, approximately 1300-1368. Chirurgia magna
- Books
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The questyonary of cyrurgyens : with the formulary of lytell Guydo in cyrurgie, with the spectacles of cyrurgyens newly added, with the fourth boke of the Terapentyke [sic], or methode curatyfe of Claude Galyen prynce of physyciens, with a synguler treaty of the cure of vlceres, newely enprynted at London, by me Robert wyer, and be for to sell in Poules Churcheyarde, at the sygne of Judyth. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
Guy, de Chauliac, approximately 1300-1368Date: [1542]- Books
- Online
Guidos questions : newly corrected. VVherevnto is added the thirde and fourth booke of Galen, with a treatise for the helps of all the outward parts of mans body. And also an excellent antidotary containing diuers receipts, as well of auncient as latter wryters: faythfully corrected by men skilfull in the sayd arte.
Guy, de Chauliac, approximately 1300-1368Date: [1579]- Books
Opuscules de divers autheurs médecins, redigez ensemble pour le proufit et utilité des chirurgiens [par Jean Canappe]. Reveuz & corrigez de nouveau, avec leur indice.
Date: 1552- Books
Anathomia Gydo / edited by Eithne Ní Ghallchobhair.
Guy, de Chauliac, approximately 1300-1368Date: 2014