Mikulinskiĭ, S. R.
- Books
Ivan Mikhaĭlovich Sechenov : K 150-leti︠︡iu so d︠n︡ia rozhdeni︠︡ia [Sb. stateĭ] / Akademi︠︡ia nauk SSSR, Institut istorii estestvoznani︠︡ia i tekhniki ; Pod red. P.G. Ko︠st︡iuka [and others].
Date: 1980- Books
USSR Academy of Sciences : scientific relations with Great Britain / [editorial board S.R. Mikulinsky and others ; translated from the Russian by V.A. Epstein and Y.S. Khazanov].
Date: 1977- Books
Istoriia biologii s drevneĭshikh vremen do nachala XX veka / pod red. S.R. Mikulinskogo ; [Avtory: E.B. Babskiĭ and others].
Date: 1972