Science--Early works to 1800
- Books
2000 years of science, Hippocrates to Leonardo : [an exhibition] October 17,1952 to January 3,1953.
Pierpont Morgan Library.Date: [1952?]- Books
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The philosophicall touch-stone: or Observations upon Sir Kenelm Digbie's Discourses of the nature of bodies and of the reasonable soule : In which his erroneous paradoxes are refuted, the truth, and Aristotelian philosophy vindicated, the immortality of mans soule briefly, but sufficiently proved. And the weak fortifications of a late Amsterdam ingeneer, patronizing The soules mortality, briefly slighted. / By Alexander Ross.
Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654Date: 1645- Books
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Experimental philosophy, in three books : containing new experiments microscopical, mercurial, magnetical : with some deductions, and probable hypotheses, raised from them, in avouchment and illustration of the now famous atomical hypothesis / by Henry Power.
Power, Henry, 1623-1668Date: 1664- Books
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Breuis et perspicua ratio iudicandi genituras : ex physicis causis & vera experientia extructa: & ea methodo tradita, vt quiuis facile, in genere, comnium thematum iuditia inde colligere possit: Cypriano Leouitio à Leonicia, excellente mathematico, autore. Præfixa est admonitio de vero & licito astrologiæ vsu: per Hieronymum VVolfium, ... Adiectus est præterea libellus de præstantioribus quibusdam naturæ virtutibus: Ioanne Dee Londinense authore.
Leowitz, Cyprian, 1524-1574Date: Anno. M. D. LVIII. Mense Iulio. [1558]- Books
- Online
Two treatises : in the one of which, the nature of bodies, in the other, the nature of mans soule, is looked into : in way of discovery of the immortality of reasonable soules.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1645