Penot, Bernard Georges
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Theophrastisch vade mecum. Das ist: etliche sehr nützliche Tractat, von der warhafftigen Bereittung und rechten Gebrauch der chymischen Medicamenten.
Penot, Bernard Georges.Date: 1597- Books
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Penotus palimbios: or The alchymists enchiridion. : In two parts. The first containing excellent experienced chymical receipts and balsoms for healing and curing most diseases incident to the body of man, &c. The second part, containing the Practica mirabilis for the accomplishing and obtaining from the beginning to the end the white and red elixir, which whosoever understands, need not read any other book. As also several chymical axioms. Together with a small treatise by way of dialogue, written by that very ancient philosopher Arislaus, concerning the philosophers stone. To which second part is prefix'd an apologetick introduction, written in answer to a scurrilous libel, published in Latin in Germany by D. Nicholaus Guibertus, in which answer is maintain'd both by reason and authority against the said libel, the possibility of making an elixir for transmutation of lead, and all other imperfect mettals into pure gold and silver. The whole written in Latin long since by that famous Helvetian Bernardus Penotus a Portu Sanctæ Mariæ Aquitani, and now faithfully Englished and claused by B. P. Philalethes.
Penot, Bernard Georges.Date: 1692- Books
Theophrastisch vade mecum. Das ist: etliche sehr nützliche Tractat, von der warhafftigen Bereittung und rechten Gebrauch der chymischen Medicamenten ... / erstlich in Latein heraus gegeben. Itzo ... in unsere vernemliche Muttersprache transferiret, durch Johannem Hippodamum.
Penot, Bernard GeorgesDate: 1597- Books
Theophrastisch vade mecum. Das ist: etliche sehr nützliche Tractat, von der warhafftigen Bereittung und rechten Gebrauch der chymischen Medicamenten / Durch ... Bernhardum G. Penotum ... erstlich in Latein heraus geben. Itzo aber allen kunstliebenden Teutschen zu sonderbarem Nutz in unsere vernemliche Muttersprache transferiret, durch Johannem Hippodamum, Cheruscum [i.e. Johann Lange].
Penot, Bernard GeorgesDate: 1597]- Books
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A hundred and fouretene experiments and cures of the famous physitian Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Paracelsus; translated out of the Germane tongue into the Latin. Whereunto is added certaine excellent and profitable workes by B.G. a Portu Aquitano. Also certaine secrets of Isacke Hollandus concerning the vegetall and animall worke. Also the spagericke antidotarie for gunne-shot of Iosephus Quirsitanus. Collected by Iohn Hester.
Paracelsus, 1493-1541Date: 1596