Brest, Vincent
- Books
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An analytical inquiry into the specifick property of mercury, relating to the cure of venereal diseases. Wherein is explained, I. The nature ... and choice of preparations. II. The necessary cautions ... III. The true generation and nature of the virus. IV. The variety of its symptoms in different climates ... V. The ill consequences of a bad practice ... VI. An answer is given to several objections ... VII. Dr. Chicanneau's method of curing this distemper without salivation is vindicated ... / [Vincent Brest].
Brest, VincentDate: 1732- Books
- Online
Dissertation sur l'usage du mercure dans les maladies veneriennes, et autres; et sur la maniére de s'en servir avec succez, sans salivation. On y a joint une courte relation de l'etat de la medecine en Russie, et de quelques cures fort remarquables qu'on y a faites, en suivant la methode proposée / [Vincent Brest].
Brest, VincentDate: 1735- Books
- Online
Remarks on the impositions of quacks : so much practiced in this Kingdom. Wherein is exposed to the public themeans of distinguishing them from able physicians and surgeons. And how much it is to be wished that the laws would appoint some effectual means to suppress these vile ways of practicing, so prejudicial to his Majesty's subjects / By Vint. B-t.
Brest, Vincent.Date: [1728?]