Orleans, Louis-Philipe-Joseph, Duc d'Orleans, 1810-1842.
- Pictures
- Online
The deathbed of the Duke of Orleans in Paris in 1842. Engraving, 1842.
Date: 1842Reference: 548109i- Pictures
- Online
The scene of the fatal accident of the Duke of Orleans in Paris in 1842. Lithograph by F. Grenier de Saint-Martin, 1842.
Grenier de Saint-Martin, Francisque-Martin-François, 1793-1867.Date: [1842]Reference: 548108i- Pictures
The accident scene (top) and deathbed (below) of the Duke of Orleans in Paris in 1842. Engraving, 1842.
Date: 1842Reference: 547598i- Pictures
- Online
The funeral of the Duc d'Orleans at Paris. Lithograph by J. Arnout after V.J. Adam.
Adam, Victor, 1801-1866.Reference: 548114i