Aikin, Charles Rochemont, 1775-1847
- Books
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Abrégé des faits les plus importans concernant la vaccine : ou petite vérole des vaches / Tr. en français par le citoyen B--- des C---.
Aikin, Charles Rochemont, 1775-1847.Date: 1801- Books
- Online
Kurzgefasste Übersicht der wichtigsten Thatsachen welche bisher über die Kuhpocken erschienen sind / Aus dem Englischen übers. von J. Hunnemann.
Aikin, Charles Rochemont, 1775-1847.Date: 1801- Books
- Online
A concise view of all the most important facts which have hitherto appeared concerning the cow-pox / By C.R. Aikin.
Aikin, Charles Rochemont, 1775-1847Date: 1801- Books
- Online
A dictionary of chemistry and mineralogy, with an account of the processes employed in many of the most important chemical manufactures. To which are added a description of chemical apparatus, and various useful tables of weights and measures, chemical instruments, &c. &c / by A. & C.R. Aikin.
Aikin, Arthur, 1773-1854.Date: 1807- Books
- Online
Kurze Uebersicht der wichtigstene Erfahrungen über die Kuhpocken / Aus dem Englischen.
Aikin, Charles Rochemont, 1775-1847.Date: 1801