England and Wales
- Books
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A collection of all the statutes relating to the excise : with notes in the margin : to which is added an abridgment or breviary of the said statutes : wherein the substance of all that relates to one and the same matter or head respectively is collected together, and placed under one and the same proper title, and referred to the pages of the said statutes, for the more easie and ready finding : with a table of all the said titles subjoyned.
England and WalesDate: 1676- Books
- Online
By the Lords and others His Majesties commissioners : an order for the observance and execution of the statute made for the reliefe and ordering of persons infected with the plague.
England and WalesDate: 1644- Books
- Online
It is this day ordered and ordained by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that the serjeants and councellors at law in the severall counties of this kingdom, within the power of Parliament, shall exeute the commissions of oyer and terminer.
England and WalesDate: 1644- Books
- Online
By the Lords and other His Majesties commissioners : an order for the observance and execution of the statute made for the reliefe and ordering of persons infected with the plague.
England and WalesDate: 1645- Books
- Online
An act for the better packing of butter, and redress of abuses therein : Die Martis, xii. Martii, 1649. Ordered by the Parliament, that this Act be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.
England and WalesDate: 1649 [i.e. 1650]