Hobbes, Stephen
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The English mans doctor. Or, The schoole of Salerne, Or physicall obseruations for the perfect preseruing of the bodie of man in continuall health. Whereunto is adioyned precepts for the preseruation of health. Written by Henricus Ronsouius for the priuate vse of his sons. And now published for all those that desire to preserue their bodies in perfect health. Translated by Sir Iohn Harington.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: 1624- Books
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Enchiridion medicum : containing an epitome of the vvhole course of physicke: vvith the examination of a chyrurgian, by way of a dialogue betweene the doctor and the student. With a treatise containing a difinition of all those diseases that do chiefly affect the body of man: and an antidotary of many excellent and approved remedies for all diseases. Published for the benefite of yong students in physicke, chyrurgians, and apothecaries.
Pomarius, PetrusDate: 1612- Books
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Enchiridion medicum : containing an epitome of the whole course of physicke: with the examination of a chirurgion, by way of dialogue betweene the doctor and the students. With a treatise contaning a definition of all those difenses that do chiefly affect the body of a man, and an antidotary of many excelllent and approued remedies for all diseases. Published for the benefit of young students in physicke, chirurgian, and apothecaries.
Pomarius, PetrusDate: 1609- Books
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Cornelius Shilander his chirurgerie : Contaning a briefe methode for the curing of woundes and ulcers, with an easie manner of drawing oyle out of wound-hearbes, turpentine, guincum and waxe. Translated out of Latin into English, and published for the benefite of all those that are studious in the arte. By S. Hobbes.
Schilander, CorneliusDate: 1596- Books
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A nevv treatise of the pestilence, containing the causes, signes, preseruatiues and cure thereof : The like not before this time pubished [sic]. And therefore necessarie for all manner of persons, in this time of contagion. S. H. Studious in phisicke.
Hobbes, StephenDate: 1603