Gay, John, 1813-1885
- Books
- Online
On femoral rupture its anatomy, pathology, and surgery, with a new mode of operating, applicable to cases of strangulated herniae generally / [John Gay].
Gay, John, 1813-1885.Date: 1848- Books
- Online
A memoir on indolent ulcers and their surgical treatment / by John Gay.
Gay, John, 1813-1885.Date: 1855- Books
On hæmorrhoidal disorders / by John Gay.
Gay, John, 1813-1885.Date: 1882- Books
- Online
The aspects of medical science : an oration, delivered March 8, 1860, before the Medical Society of London, on its eighty-seventh anniversary / by John Gay.
Gay, John, 1813-1885.Date: 1860- Books
On some hitherto unappreciated facts in the anatomy of the venous system / by John Gay.
Gay, John, 1813-1885Date: 1884