Clarke, John
- E-books
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An introduction to the making of Latin. Comprising, after an easy, compendious method, the substance of the Latin syntax. With Proper English Examples, most of them Translations from the Classic Authors, in one Column, and the Latin Words in another. To w
Clarke, John- E-books
- Online
An essay upon study. Wherein directions are given for the due conduct thereof, and the collection of a library, proper for the Purpose, consisting of the Choicest Books in all the several Parts of Learning. By John Clarke, Late Master of the Publick Gramm
Clarke, John- E-books
- Online
An introduction to the making of Latin, comprising, after an easy, compendious method, the substance of the Latin syntax. With Proper English Examples, most of them Translations from the Classick Authors, in one Column, and the Latin Words in another. To
Clarke, John- E-books
- Online
A new grammar of the Latin tongue, comprising all in the art necessary for grammar-schools. To which is annexed, a dissertation upon language. By John Clarke, Author of the Two Essays upon Education and Study, Introduction to the Making of Latin, &c.
Clarke, John- E-books
- Online
An introduction to the making of Latin. Comprising, after an easy compendious method, the substance of the Latin syntax. With proper English examples, ... To which is subjoin'd, ... a succinct account of the affairs of ancient Greece and Rome; ... The eig
Clarke, John