Palladius, Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus. De re rustica
- Books
Palladii Rutilii Tauri Aemiliani viri inlustris Opus agriculturae de veterinaria medicina de insitione / edited Robert H. Rodgers.
Palladius, Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus.Date: 1975- Books
Traité d'agriculture / Palladius ; texte établi, traduit et commenté par René Martin.
Palladius, Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus.Date: 1976-- Books
- Online
The knowledge of things vnkowne : Shevving the effects of the planets, and other astronomicalll constellations: with the strange euents that befall men, women and children, borne vnder them. Compiled by Godfridus super Palladium [sic] de agricultura, Anglicatum [sic]. Together with the husbandmans practise, or prognostication for euer: as teacheth Albert, Alkind, Haly, and Ptolome.
GodfridusDate: 1619]]- Books
- Online
The knowledge of things vnkowne : Apperteyning to astronomy, wyth necessary rules, and certayne speares contayned in the same. Compyled by Godfridus super palladium de agricultura Anglicatum.
GodfridusDate: 1585- Books
Libri de re rustica / M. Catonis libri I. M. Terentii Varronis libri III. L. Junii Moderati Columellae libri II. Ejusdem de arboribus ... Palladii libri XIII. De duobus dierum generibus: simulque de umbris, et horis.
Date: 1533