Church of England--Liturgy
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A thankesgiuing, and prayer for the safe child-bearing of the Queenes Maiestie.
Church of EnglandDate: 1635..- Books
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A fourme to be vsed in common prayer twyse a weke, and also an order of publique fast, to be vsed euery Wednesday in the weeke, duryng this tyme of mortalitie and other afflictions wherewith the realme at this present is visited / set forth by the Quenes Maiesties speciall co[m]maundement, expressed in her letters hereafter folowyng in the next page, XXX Iulij 1563.
Church of EnglandDate: [1563]- Books
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A short fourme of thankesgeuyng to God for ceassyng the contagious sicknes of the plague : to be vsed in common prayer on Sundayes, Wednesdayes and Frydayes in steade of the co[m]mon prayers vsed in the time of mortalitie / set forth by the Bishop of London to be vsed in the citie of London and the rest of his diocesse and in other places also at the discretion of the ordinary ministers of the churches.
Church of EnglandDate: [1563]- Books
- Online
The gospel written in the 16. of Marke.
Church of EnglandDate: [before 1620]- Books
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A thankesgiuing for the safe deliuery of the Queene, and happy birth of the young prince.
Church of EnglandDate: 1630..