- Books
Heterogeneity of mononuclear phagocytes / edited by Othmar Förster, Maurice Landy.
Date: 1981- Videos
- Online
The macrophage.
Date: 1975- Books
The bactericidal power of human blood and some methods of altering it / by Alexander Fleming.
Fleming, Alexander, Sir, 1881-1955.Date: 1928- Books
Activation of macrophages : proceedings of the second Workshop Conference Hoechst, Schloss Reisensburg, 25-26 October, 1973 / editors, W.-H. Wagner, H. Hahn ; co-editor, R. Evans.
Date: 1974- Ephemera
- Online
Dietil alimento, concentrado liquido de alto valor energetico ... : Mostolisina, defensas humorales fagocitis : levaduras frescas, estafilococos y estraptococos lisados / Laboratorios Nodarse S.A.
Date: [1941]