Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage
By this person (5)
About this person (2)
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Six excellent treatises of life and death / collected (and published in French) by Philip Mornay, sieur du Plessis ; and now (first) translated into English.
Date: 1607- Books
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An amulet or preservative against sicknes and death : in two parts : the first containing spirituall direction for the sicke at all times needfull, but especially in the conflict of sicknes and agonie of death : the second, a method or order of comforting the sicke ... / collected and set forth ... by A.M. minister of the Word of God in Henley vpon Thames ; whereunto is annexed a most pithie and comfortable sermon of mortalitie, written by the blessed martyr S. Cyprian Bishop of Carthage, translated into English by A.M. ; together with sundry prayers needfull in time of sicknesse.
Man, Abraham.Date: 1617- Books
Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani inter Latinos ecclesiae scriptores primi sine quorum lectione nullum diem intermittebat olim diuus Cyprianus, per Beatum Rhenanum Seletstadiensem e tenebris eruta atque à situ pro uirili uindicata, adiectis singulorum librorum argume[n]tis & alicubi coniecturis, quibus vetustissimus autor nonnihil illustratur. Quorum catalogum proxima pagina reperies. Floruit sub Caess. ... [Title continues in note] / [Tertullian].
Tertullian, approximately 160-approximately 230.Date: M. D. XXI.[1521]- Books
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A spirituall preseruatiue against the plague : In tvvo parts. The first containing spirituall directions for the sicke, at all times needfull: but especially in this time of pestilence. The second an order of comforting the sicke. Whereunto is annexed a most pithy and comfortable sermon of mortalitie, written by the blessed martyr S. Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage. Together with diuers excellent prayers needfull in this time of visitation. Set forth for the comfort of all distressed soules; but most especially for those which are now visited with this most fearefull visitation of plague and pestilence.
Date: 1625- Books
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Il vero e santo rimedio spirituale contra la peste, raccolto in un sermone, fatto da Santo Cipriano vescovo al suo popolo, e cosi du liberato dalla pestilenza / [Cyprian].
Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of CarthageDate: 1556