- Books
- Online
Code of health of the School of Salernum : translated into English verse, with an introduction, notes and appendix / by John Ordronaux.
Date: 1871- Books
Seelenheil und Seelenleid : die Diätetik der Emotionen im früneuzeitlichen Katholizismus in Bayern und Österreich / von Carlos Watzka.
Watzka, CarlosDate: [2021]- Books
- Online
On consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, and other diseases of the chest : their remedial and avertive treatment; addressed in popular language to non-medical readers, with copious observations on the diet and regimen necessary for invalids ; also an appendix, containing upwards of two hundred formulæ of the latest and most approved remedies, many valuable domestic recipes, and full directions for the practice of inhalation / by R. J. Culverwell.
Culverwell, Robert James, 1802-1852.Date: 1834- Books
- Online
The oracle of health and long life, or, Plain rules for the attainment and preservation of sound health and vigorous old age : with rational instructions for diet, regimen, &c. and the treatment of dyspepsy or indigestion, deduced from personal experience, and the best authors on dietetics / by Medicus.
Date: 1830- Books
Der Koch ist der bessere Arzt : zum Verhältnis von Diätetik und Kulinarik im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit : Fachtagung im Rahmen des Tages der Geisteswissenschaften 2013 an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 20.6.-22.6.2013 / Andrea Hofmeister-Winter, Helmut W. Klug, Karin Kranich (Hrsg.).
Date: [2014]