Gustav II Adolf, King of Sweden, 1594-1632
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The nevv starr of the north, shining vpon the victorious King of Svveden.
Date: 1632- Books
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The continuation of the German history. The fifth part. Collected out of the truest intelligences, and digested into places and times of action, briefly brought downe, to the late treaty in Silesia, and the successe thereof. To the comming of the D. of Feria, and what hee hath effected since. To the taking of Ratisbon, or Regenspurg by D. Bernard Weymar, with other late memorable actions done by him. Before you come to the story, you have an exact description of the dolefull funerall of that ever renowned, and victorious King of Swede. Whereunto is added the last summers actions of the Low Countries.
Date: 1633