Gesvres, François-Joachim-Bernard Potier, duc de, 1692-1757
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[François Joachim Bernard Potier, duc de Gesvres correspondence].
Gesvres, François-Joachim-Bernard Potier, duc de, 1692-1757Date: 2008-- Books
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The case of impotency debated in the late famous tryal at Paris; between the Marquis de Gesvres ... and Mademoiselle de Mascranny his lady, who after three years marriage, commenc'd a suit against him for impotency. Containing, I. The pleadings at large on both sides. II. The reports of the King's physicians and surgeons appointed to search the parties. III. A collection of the most authentick parallel cases upon this head ... / Done from the Paris edition. In two volumes.
Date: 1714