Rösslin, Eucharius, -1526. Swangern Frawen und hebammen Rosegarten. English
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The birth of mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke / Newly set foorth, corrected, and augmented. Whose contentes ye may reade in the table of the booke, and most plainely in the prologue. By Thomas Raynalde Phisition.
Rösslin, Eucharius, -1526.Date: [1585?]- Books
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The byrth of mankynde, newly translated out of Laten into Englysshe. : In the which is entreated of all suche thynges the which chaunce to women in theyr labor, and all suche infyrmitees whiche happen vnto the infantes after they be delyuered. And also at the latter ende o in the thyrde or last boke is entreated of the conception of mankynde, and howe manye wayes it may be letted or furtheryd, with diuers other fruytefull thynges, as doth appere in the table before the booke.
Rösslin, Eucharius, -1526.Date: Anno Domini. M.CCCCC.XL. [1540]- Books
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The birth of mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke / Newly set foorth, corrected, and augmented. Whose contentes ye may reade in the table of the booke, and most plainely in the prologue. By Thomas Raynalde physition.
Rösslin, Eucharius, -1526.Date: 1565 [i.e. 1572?]- Books
The byrth of mankynd, otherwyse named the womans boke / Newly set forth, corrected and augmented, whose co[n]tentes ye may reade in thee table of the boke, and moste playnely in the prologue. By Thomas Raynald Phisition.
Rösslin, Eucharius, -1526.Date: Anno. M.D.Lii. [1552]- Books
The byrth of mankinde, otherwise named The womans booke. : Set foorth in English by Thomas Raynalde phisition, and by him corrected, and augmented. Whose contents yée may reade in the table following: but most plainely in the prologue.
Rösslin, Eucharius, -1526.Date: [1613]