Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691
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Dictionarivm saxonico-latino-anglicum. Voces, phrasesque præcipuas anglo-saxonicas, e libris, sive manuscriptis, sive typis excusis, aliisque monumentis ... collectas; cum latina et anglica vocum interpretatione complectens ... / Opera & stvdio Gvliel. Somneri Cantuariensis. Accesservnt Ælfrici Abbatis grammatica latino-saxonica, cvm glossario suo ejusdem generis.
Somner, William, 1598-1669.Date: 1659- Books
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The triall of a black-pudding. Or, The unlawfulness of eating blood proved by Scriptures, before the law, under the law, and after the law / By a well wisher to ancient truth.
Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691Date: 1652