Turner, William, -1568
By this person (24)
About this person (1)
- Books
The English mans-treasure. With the true anatomie of mans body / compiled by ... Thomas Vicary ... Whereunto are annexed many secrets appertaining to chyrurgery, with divers excellent approved remedies for all captaines and souldiers, that travell eyther by water or land: and likewise for all diseases ... with emplaisters of speciall cure: with other potions and drinkes approved in physicke. Also the rare treasure of the English bathes: written by William Turner ... Gathered and set forth ... by William Bremer ... And now eighthly augmented and enlarged, with almost a thousand approved waters and medicines ... as also oyntments and plaisters: with especiall ... remedies for the plague ... by W[illiam] B[oraston] practitioner in physicke and chyrurgerie.
Vicary, Thomas, -1561Date: 1633- Books
- Online
The seconde part of Vuilliam Turners herball : wherein are conteyned the names of herbes in Greke, Latin, Duche, Frenche, and in the apothecaries Latin, and somtyme in Italiane, wyth the vertues of the same herbes wyth diuerse confutationes of no small errours, that men of no small learning haue committed in the intreatinge of herbes of late yeares. Here vnto is ioyned also a booke of the bath of Baeth in Englande, and of the vertues of the same wyth diuerse other bathes moste holsum and effectuall, both in Almany and Englande, set furth by William Turner Doctor of Physik.
Turner, William, -1568Date: In the yeare of our Lorde M.D.LXII. [1562]- Books
The names of herbes / .. ; edited (with an introduction, an index of English names, and an identification of the plants enumerated by Turner) by James Britten.
Turner, William, -1568.Date: 1881- Books
- Online
A new herball, wherin are conteyned the names of herbes in Greke, Latin, Englysh, Duch, Frenche, and in the potecaries and herbaries Latin, : with the properties degrees, and naturall places of the same / gathered and made by Wylliam Turner.
Turner, William, -1568.Date: 1551- Books
- Online
Turner on birds : a short and succinct history of the principal birds noticed by Pliny and Aristotle first published by Doctor William Turner, 1544 / edited with introduction, translation, notes, and appendix, by A.H. Evans.
Turner, William, -1568.Date: 1903