- E-books
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Sabbath-Keeping the support of our religion and nation: or, the hearty and humble address of a clergyman to both the Honourable Houses of Parliament, Requesting them To render more effectual Acts made, in 3 Car. I. and 29 Car. II. prohibiting Travelling o
Clergyman- E-books
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The duty and obligation, Of Ministers and People, To endeavour to spread the Gospel, universally, Throughout the Kingdom, Being, peculiarly, the Work of the Day: and, That Missions to Heathen Countries, in the present juncture, are Ill-Judged, And Highly
Clergyman- E-books
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A modest address to the clergy of the Church of England. By a clergyman
Clergyman- E-books
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The biographical and martyrological dictionary: containing the lives, sufferings, and deaths, of the most eminent martyrs and confessors of Christ, From The Earliest Ages Of At The World To The Present Time. Extracted From The scriptures of the Old and Ne
Clergyman- E-books
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A letter from a clergyman to the Bishop of Landaff, on the subject of His Lordship's letter to the late Archbishop of Canterbury