Hermanni, Philippus
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The first part of the key of philosophie : Wherein is contained most excellent secretes of phisicke and philosophie, diuided into two bookes. In the first is shewed the true and perfect order to distill, or draw forth the oiles, of all maner of gummes, spices, seedes, roots and herbs, with their perfect taste, smell and vertues: In the second is shewed the true and perfect order to prepare, calcine, sublime, and dissolue al maner of mineralles, and how ye shall drawe forth their oiles and saltes, which are most woonderfull in their operations, for the health of mans bodie. Full written in the Germane tongue by the most learned Theophrastus Paraselius, and now published to the English tongue by Iohn Hester, practitioner in the art of distillation.
Date: 1596- Books
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An excellent treatise teaching howe to cure the French-pockes : with all other diseases arising and growing thereof, and in a manner all other sicknesses. Dravvne out of the bookes of that learned doctor and prince of phisitians, Theophrastus Paracelsus. Compiled by the learned Phillippus Hermanus, phisition and chirurgion. And now put into English by Iohn Hester in the spagiricall arte, practitioner.
Paracelsus, 1493-1541Date: Anno, Dominj. 1590- Books
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The first part of the key of philosophie : Wherein is contained moste ex- [sic] excellent secretes of phisicke and philosophie, divided into twoo bookes. : In the firste is shewed the true and perfect order to distill ... In the seconde is shewed the true and perfect order to prepare, calcine, sublime, and dissolue all maner of mineralles ... / First written in the Germaine tongue by the moste learned Theophrastus Paraselsus, and now published in the Englishe tongue by Ihon [sic] Hester practitioner in the arte of distillation.
Date: 1580..- Books
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The secrets of physick and philosophy : divided into two bookes: in the first is shewed the true and perfect order to distill, or draw forth the oyles of all manner of gummes, spices, seedes, roots, and hearbs, with their perfect taste, smell and vertues. In the second is shewed the true and perfect order to prepare, calcine, sublime, and dissolue all manner of minerals, and how ye shall draw forth their oyles and salts, which are most wonderfull in their operations, for the health of mans bodie. First written in the German tongue by the most learned Theophrastus Paraselsus, and now published in the English tongue, by Iohn Hester, practitioner in the art of distillation.
Date: 1633- Books
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Een constich distilleerboeck, inhoudende die rechte ... conste, om alderhande wateren, cruyden, bloemen, wortelen, ende alle andere dinghen te leeren distileeren ... Nu op een nieuw weder oversien ... verbetert / [Philippus Hermanni].
Hermanni, PhilippusDate: 1605