- Books
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Quaedam de phlegmasiae albae dolentis pathologia. Dissertatio inauguralis medica ... / auctor Henricus Gothofr. Grimm.
Date: 1826- Books
- Online
Phlegmatia alba dolens : these presentee au concours pour l'agregation (Section de medecine et de medecine legale) / par E. Troisier.
Date: 1880- Books
- Online
De phlegmatia alba dolente. Dissertatio inauguralis medica ... / auctor Frideric. Aemil. Wiedemann.
Wiedemann Fridericus Aemilius, 1810-1841.Date: 1835- Books
- Online
Pathological researches on inflammation of the veins of the uterus : with additional observations on phlegmasia dolens / by Robert Lee.
Date: 1829- Books
- Online
De phlegmatiae albae dolentis pathologia. Dissertatio inauguralis medica ... / auctor Albert. Rud. Eduard. Bohm.
Bohm Albertus Rudolphus Eduardus.Date: 1833