The theoriques of the seuen planets : shewing all their diuerse motions, and all other accidents, called passions, thereunto belonging. Now more plainly set forth in our mother tongue by M. Blundeuile, than euer they haue been heretofore in any other tongue whatsoeuer, and that with such pleasant demonstratiue figures, as euery man that hath any skill in arithmeticke, may easily vnderstand the same. ... VVhereunto is added by the said Master Blundeuile, a breefe extract by him made, of Maginus his Theoriques, for the better vnderstanding of the Prutenicall tables, to calculate thereby the diuerse motions of the seuen planets. There is also hereto added, The making, description, and vse, of two most ingenious and necessarie instruments for sea-men ... First inuented by M. Doctor Gilbert ... and now here plainely set downe in our mother tongue by Master Blundeuile.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561 | Date: 1602