- Books
- Online
The natural history of pigeons / Illustrated by thirty-two plates, coloured, and numerous woodcuts. With memoir of Pliny by Andrew Crichton.
Selby, Prideaux John, 1788-1867.Date: 1835- Books
- Online
A treatise on domestic poultry, pigeons and rabbits, with a practical account of the Egyptian method of hatching eggs by artificial heat; and all the needful particulars relative to breeding, rearing, and management ... / By Bonington Moubray, Esq. [pseud. i.e. J. Lawrence].
Lawrence, John, 1753-1839.Date: 1815- Books
- Online
Die Wirkung von Wärme und Kälte auf die einzelnen Ampullen des Ohrlabyrinths der Taube : festgestellt mit Hilfe neuer Methoden ... / vorgelegt von Heinrich Popp.
Popp, Heinrich.Date: 1913- Books
Medicaments for pigeons = medicamentos para palomas = medicamentos para pombas / Chevita GmbH.
Chevita GmbH.Date: [Between 1970 and 1979?]- Books
- Online
La colombe, messagère plus rapide que l'éclair, plus prompte que la nue ... / par Michel Sabbagh ; Traduit de l'arabe en françois, par A.I. Silvestre de Sacy.
Sabbagh, Michel, 1784-1816.Date: An XIV = 1805