Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568
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Occulta naturae miracula. Wunderbarliche Geheimnisse der Natur in des Menschen Leib und Seel, auch in vielen andern natürlichen Dingen, als Steinen, Ertzt, Gewechs, und Thieren, etc.
Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568.Date: 1580- Books
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The secret miracles of nature: in four books. Learnedly and moderately treating of generation, and the parts thereof; the soul, and its immortality; of plants and living creatures; of diseases, their symptoms and cures, and many other rarities not treated of by any author extant ... Whereunto is added one book containing philosophical and prudential rules how man shall become excellent in all conditions, whether high or low, and lead his life with health of body and mind / [Levinus Lemnius].
Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568Date: 1658- Books
Les occvltes merveilles et secretz de natvre, avec plvsievrs enseignemens des choses diuerses, tant par raison probable, que par coniecture artificielle : exposées en deux liures, de non moindre plaisir que profit au lecteur studieux / [Levinus Lemnius].
Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568Date: 1574- Books
De miraculis occultis naturae libri IIII. Item de vita cum animi et corporis incolumitate recte instituenda, liber unus. Illi quidem jam postremum emendati, et aliquot capitibus aucti, hic vero nunquam antehac editus / [Levinus Lemnius].
Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568Date: 1628- Books
De aureo dente maxillari pueri Silesii, primum, utrum ejus generatio naturalis fuerit, necne; deinde an digna ejus interpretatio dari queat et de noctambulonum natura, differentiis et causis. Eorumque tam praeservativa quam etiam curativa, denuo auctus liber ... / [Jakob Horst].
Horst, Jakob, 1537-1600Date: 1596