Hallé, M.
- Books
The influence of the atmosphere, more especially the atmosphere of the British Isles, on the health and functions of the human frame ... To which are added Practical researches on the pathology, treatment, and prevention of gout and rheumatism [partly translated and condensed from the French of MM. Guilbert and Hallé, as drawn up for the 'Dictionnaire des sciences médicales' in 1817] in all their proteian forms. An essay / By James Johnson.
Johnson, James, 1777-1845.Date: 1818- Books
- Online
Practical researches on the nature, cure, and prevention of gout, in all its open and concealed forms; partly translated and condensed from the French of Guilbert and Hallé; with a critical examination of some celebrated remedies and modes of treatment employed in the disease / By James Johnson, esq.
Johnson, James, 1777-1845.Date: 1819- Books
- Online
Recueil des observations et des faits rélatifs au croup.
Date: 1808