Cotta, John, 1575?-1650?
- Books
Cotta contra Antonium: or an Ant-Antony: or an Ant-apology, manifesting Doctor Antony his Apologie for Aurum potabile, in true and equall ballance of right reason, to be false and counterfait / [John Cotta].
Cotta, John, 1575?-1650?Date: 1623- Books
- Online
The infallible true and assured vvitch, or, The second edition of the tryall of witch-craft : shevving the right and true methode of the discoverie : with a confutation of erroneous waies, carefully reviewed and more fully cleared and augmented / by Iohn Cotta.
Cotta, John, 1575?-1650?Date: 1625- Books
- Online
A short discouerie of seuerall sorts of ignorant and vnconsiderate practisers of physicke in England : With direction for the safest election of a physition in necessitie: by Iohn Cotta of Northampton Doctor of Physicke.
Cotta, John, 1575?-1650?Date: 1619- Books
- Online
The triall of vvitch-craft : shewing the true and right methode of the discouery: with a confutation of erroneous wayes. By Iohn Cotta, Doctor in Physicke.
Cotta, John, 1575?-1650?Date: 1624- Books
- Online
The infallible true and assured vvitch: or, The second edition, of The tryall of witch-craft : Shewing the right and true methode of the discouerie: with a confutation of erroneous vvayes, carefully reuiewed and more fully cleared and augmented. By Iohn Cotta, Doctor in Physicke.
Cotta, John, 1575?-1650?Date: 1624