Gordon, George
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An introduction to geography, astronomy, and dialling: containing the most useful elements of the said sciences, adapted to the meanest capacity, by the description and uses of the terrestrial and colestial globes: with an introduction to chronology. The
Gordon, George- E-books
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The trial of George Gordon, Esquire, commonly called Lord George Gordon, for high treason, at the bar of the Court of King's Bench, on Monday, February 5th, 1781. Taken in short-hand, by Joseph Gurney
Gordon, George- E-books
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The trial of the Hon. George Gordon, commonly called Lord George Gordon, for high-treason, at the bar of the Court of King's Bench, on Monday, the 5th of February, 1781. ... Taken in short-hand by William Vincent, Esq; of Gray's-Inn
Gordon, George- E-books
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Remarks upon the Newtonian philosophy, as propos'd by Sir Isaac Newton, in his Principia philosophiæ naturalis; and by Dr. Gregory, in his Principia astronomiæ physicæ. Wherein the fallacies of the pretended mathematical demonstrations, by which those aut
Gordon, George- E-books
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The history of our national debts and taxes, from the year MDCLXXXVIII, to the present year MDCCLII. Part III
Gordon, George