Vaughan, Robert C.
- Books
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Elementa opticæ : nova, facili, & compendiosâ methodo explicata : cum schematibus aliquot (ad pleniorem elucidationem) in calce annexis.
Powell, Thomas, 1608-1660Date: 1651- Books
Letter and spirit: a discourse on modern philosophical spiritualism, in its relation to Christianity / [Robert Vaughan].
Vaughan, Robert CDate: 1849- Books
- Online
Natures secrets. Or, The admirable and wonderfull history of the generation of meteors : Particularly describing, the temperatures and qualities of the four elements, the heights, magnitudes, and influences of the fixt and wandring stars: the efficient and finall causes of comets, earthquakes, deluges, epidemicall diseases, and prodigies of precedent times; registred by the students of nature. Their conjecturall presages of the weather, from the planets mutuall aspects, and sublunary bodies: with the proportions and observations on the weather-glass, with philosophicall paraphrases rendred explicitely, usefull at sea and land. / By the industry and observations of Thomas Willsford, Gent.
Willsford, ThomasDate: 1658- Books
- Online
Theatrum chemicum Britannicum· : Containing severall poeticall pieces of our famous English philosophers, who have written the hermetique mysteries in their owne ancient language. / Faithfully collected into one volume, with annotations thereon, by Elias Ashmole, Esq. Qui est Mercuriophilus Anglicus. The first part.
Date: MDCLII. [1652]