- Books
The history of Genghizcan the Great, first Emperor of the ancient Moguls and Tartars / in four books: containing his life, advancement and conquests; with a short history of his successors to the present time; the manners, customs and laws of the antient Moguls and Tartars; and the geography of the vast countries of Mogolistan, Turquestan, Capschac, Yugurestan, and the Eastern and Western Tartary. Collected from several oriental authors, and European travellers; whose names, with an abridgment of their lives, are added to this book. By the late M. Petis de la Croix senior... And now faithfully translated into English [by P. Aubin].
Pétis de La Croix, François, 1622-1695.Date: 1722- Books
Der Bericht des Franziskaners Wilhelm von Rubruk über seine Reise in das Innere Asiens in den Jahren 1253/1255 / herausgegeben und bearb. von Hermann Herbst; erste völständige übersetzung aus dem lateinischen.
Ruysbroeck, Willem van, approximately 1210-approximately 1270.Date: 1925- Books
- Online
The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian : concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East / translated and edited, with notes, by Colonel Sir Henry Yule.
Polo, Marco, 1254-1323?Date: 1903- Books
Marci Pauli Veneti, historici fidelissimi juxta ac praestantissimi. De regionibus orientalibus libri III / Cum codice manuscripto Bibliothecae electoralis brandenburgicae collati, exq́; eo adjectis notis plurimùm tum suppleti tum illustrati. Accedit, propter cognationem materiae, Haithoni Armeni Historia orientalis: quae & De Tartaris inscribitur: itemque Andreae Mulleri, Greiffenhagii, De Chataja, cujus praedictorum auctorum uterque mentionem facit, disquisito. Inqúe ipsum Marcum Paulum Venetum praefatio, & locupletissimi indices.
Polo, Marco, 1254-1323?Date: 1671- Books
Historical researches on the wars and sports of the Mongols and Romans: in which elephants and wild beasts were employed or slain. And the remarkable local agreement of history with the remains of such animals found in Europe and Siberia ... With a map and ten plates / By John Ranking.
Ranking, John.Date: 1826